MariboHilleshög Beet Day in Denmark

On Friday 27 September, MariboHilleshög held a Beet Day for Danish beet growers at Søgaarde, near Maribo at Lolland. About 125 interested beet growers attended the event and had a good, professional afternoon.

The Beet Day was arranged in cooperation with GRIMME (agricultural machinery), who demonstrated the beet harvester of the future in action. Focus is on harvesting the beets gently and securing the entire root yield.

Sales Manager Ole Lauridsen from MariboHilleshög addressed a few words of welcome to the audience and emphasized that all parts of the industry must cooperate in order to generate the largest possible value in the sugar production – from breeding of beet varieties for beet growing to the final sugar production.

The next speaker was Field Adviser Bo Nymand from DLF, who talked about seed and beets in the crop rotation. He explained that beets and grass seed make a good team. It is important to have several spring crops in the grass seed rotation, because it reduces grass weed problems and results in higher grass seed quality.

Bo Secher from Nordic Sugar then explained about harvesting and cleaning of beets, and underlined the financial advantages of delivering clean beets. He also focused on waste in the field, and stressed the importance of harvesting the whole beet root, and not leaving any part of the beet in the soil.

Finally, Ole Lauridsen informed the beet growers about the MariboHilleshög beet varieties and the free seed sale in Denmark. He explained that, as from this season, they can buy beet seed directly from MariboHilleshög or from their field adviser if they are DLF seed farmers.

For more information, please contact Ole Lauridsen, phone +45 2211 2221.

2nd October 2019